Buy Cover Guide
Step 1: Launch APP and connect wallet
Step 2: Buy covers
Navigate to Cover -> Buy Covers
A collection of covers will be displayed. Use the search bar on the left to search for the cover product or filers on the right to filter the product by Chain and Risk Type.
Click anywhere on the cover product you wish to purchase
Enter the Cover Amount and Cover Period for each protocol. Once done, wait for the system to calculate the Total Premium.
Check the Total Premium, and click Confirm
Note: The cover amount is denominated in aUWT. Upon a successful claim, you will be paid in aUWT up to the cover amount which is calculated based on the price of aUWT at the time the loss event is triggered.
Approve the payment in your wallet. Once the transaction is done, congratulations! your assets are now get protected by Amulet!
Step 3: View covers
You can view the covers purchased by navigating to Cover > My Covers.
Click the "Link Icon" on the right of each row to view the transaction details.
Last updated