
Vault Manager

Amulet's architectural framework is a dedicated vault manager, implemented as smaller individual smart contracts for enhanced code readability, ease of development, and to facilitate thorough security auditing and overall security in general. This strategic and logical separation of distinct functionalities into discrete smart contracts is a critical technical decision, driven by the recognition that different operations can be more efficiently and safely executed through specialized modules. Consequently, AmuVaults encapsulate core functionalities related to deposits, storage, and withdrawals, while the vault manager independently manages yield auto-compounding and distribution which share similar characteristics.

AmuVault Profiles

Below is a list of AmuVaults and their corresponding detalis.

Amulet Liquid Solana Staking


To provide long-term capital growth by staking SOL in liquid staking protocol Amulet’s Liquid Staking pool for SOL and MEV rewards compounded automatically every 2-3 days by validators writing data on the Solana blockchain to optimize yield.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

Assets staked in liquid staking protocols face several risks, most common being smart contract and stToken exchange price risk. Smart contract risk is the risk of assets locked permanently in the protocol due to code errors or stolen due to exploits of code vulnerabilities. stToken exchange price risk refers to its price volatility when sold on exchanges instead of redeeming it through the liquid staking protocol.

In addition, governance decisions made by the community may not align with all users' interests, potentially affecting protocol parameters and user positions. There are also potential challenges and uncertainties associated with an evolving regulatory environment surrounding DeFi and crypto assets in general.

Investing in SOL entails several risks, including market volatility, technology and smart contract vulnerabilities, regulatory uncertainties, competition from other blockchain platforms, potential disruptions during network upgrades, liquidity challenges, dependence on adoption and use cases, and external events impacting the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Holding amtSOL involves potential risks, including smart contract vulnerabilities, market volatility affecting the underlying asset's value, limited liquidity during staking periods, regulatory uncertainties, and network-related risks such as software upgrades or changes in consensus mechanisms.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Marinade Liquid Solana Staking


To provide long-term capital growth by staking SOL in liquid staking protocol Marinade’s SOL Liquid Staking pool for SOL and MEV rewards compounded every 2-3 days by validators writing data on the Solana blockchain to optimize yield.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

Assets staked in liquid staking protocols face several risks, most common being smart contract and stToken exchange price risk. Smart contract risk is the risk of assets locked permanently in the protocol due to code errors or stolen due to exploits of code vulnerabilities. stToken exchange price risk refers to its price volatility when sold on exchanges instead of redeeming it through the liquid staking protocol.

In addition, governance decisions made by the community may not align with all users' interests, potentially affecting protocol parameters and user positions. There are also potential challenges and uncertainties associated with an evolving regulatory environment surrounding DeFi and crypto assets in general.

Investing in SOL entails several risks, including market volatility, technology and smart contract vulnerabilities, regulatory uncertainties, competition from other blockchain platforms, potential disruptions during network upgrades, liquidity challenges, dependence on adoption and use cases, and external events impacting the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Holding mSOL involves potential risks, including smart contract vulnerabilities, market volatility affecting the underlying asset's value, limited liquidity during staking periods, regulatory uncertainties, and network-related risks such as software upgrades or changes in consensus mechanisms.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Jito Liquid Solana Staking


To provide long-term capital growth by staking SOL in liquid staking protocol Jito’s SOL Liquid Staking pool for SOL and MEV rewards compounded automatically every 2-3 days by validators writing data on the Solana blockchain to optimize yield.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

Assets staked in liquid staking protocols face several risks, most common being smart contract and stToken exchange price risk. Smart contract risk is the risk of assets locked permanently in the protocol due to code errors or stolen due to exploits of code vulnerabilities. stToken exchange price risk refers to its price volatility when sold on exchanges instead of redeeming it through the liquid staking protocol.

In addition, governance decisions made by the community may not align with all users' interests, potentially affecting protocol parameters and user positions. There are also potential challenges and uncertainties associated with an evolving regulatory environment surrounding DeFi and crypto assets in general.

Investing in SOL entails several risks, including market volatility, technology and smart contract vulnerabilities, regulatory uncertainties, competition from other blockchain platforms, potential disruptions during network upgrades, liquidity challenges, dependence on adoption and use cases, and external events impacting the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Holding JitoSOL involves potential risks, including smart contract vulnerabilities, market volatility affecting the underlying asset's value, limited liquidity during staking periods, regulatory uncertainties, and network-related risks such as software upgrades or changes in consensus mechanisms.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


BlazeStake Liquid Solana Staking


To provide long-term capital growth by staking SOL in liquid staking protocol BlazeStake’s Liquid Staking pool for SOL and MEV rewards compounded automatically every 2-3 days by validators writing data on the Solana blockchain to optimize yield.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

Assets staked in liquid staking protocols face several risks, most common being smart contract and stToken exchange price risk. Smart contract risk is the risk of assets locked permanently in the protocol due to code errors or stolen due to exploits of code vulnerabilities. stToken exchange price risk refers to its price volatility when sold on exchanges instead of redeeming it through the liquid staking protocol.

In addition, governance decisions made by the community may not align with all users' interests, potentially affecting protocol parameters and user positions. There are also potential challenges and uncertainties associated with an evolving regulatory environment surrounding DeFi and crypto assets in general.

Investing in SOL entails several risks, including market volatility, technology and smart contract vulnerabilities, regulatory uncertainties, competition from other blockchain platforms, potential disruptions during network upgrades, liquidity challenges, dependence on adoption and use cases, and external events impacting the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Holding bSOL involves potential risks, including smart contract vulnerabilities, market volatility affecting the underlying asset's value, limited liquidity during staking periods, regulatory uncertainties, and network-related risks such as software upgrades or changes in consensus mechanisms.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Lido Liquid Ethereum Staking


To provide long-term capital growth by staking ETH in liquid staking protocol Lido’s Liquid Ethereum Staking pool for daily rewards harvested by validators writing data on the Ethereum blockchain. The rewards are automatically compounded periodically to optimize yield.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

Assets staked in liquid staking protocols face several risks, most common being smart contract, slashing, and stToken exchange price risk. Smart contract risk is the risk of assets locked permanently in the protocol due to code errors or stolen due to exploits of code vulnerabilities. Slashing risk is when a penalty is levied against a validator for erroneous or malicious data recording on the blockchain. Penalties can go as high as 100% of funds staked in the validator. stToken exchange price risk refers to its price volatility when sold on exchanges instead of redeeming it through the liquid staking protocol.

In addition, governance decisions made by the community may not align with all users' interests, potentially affecting protocol parameters and user positions. There are also potential challenges and uncertainties associated with an evolving regulatory environment surrounding DeFi and crypto assets in general.

Investing in ETH entails several risks, including market volatility, technology and smart contract vulnerabilities, regulatory uncertainties, competition from other blockchain platforms, potential disruptions during network upgrades, liquidity challenges, dependence on adoption and use cases, and external events impacting the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Holding stETH involves potential risks, including smart contract vulnerabilities, the possibility of slashing penalties in proof-of-stake systems reducing the ETH staked, market volatility affecting the underlying asset's value, limited liquidity during staking periods, regulatory uncertainties, and network-related risks such as software upgrades or changes in consensus mechanisms.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Convex Curve ETH+stETH


To earn trading fees, boosted CRV rewards, and CVX rewards by staking ETH, stETH, or Curve ETH+stETH LP in yield protocol Convex’s Curve ETH+stETH pool. CRV rewards are boosted for Convex’s liquidity providers thanks to its locked CRV positions on Curve Finance, saving liquidity providers the cost and effort of maintaining their own locked CRV tokens on Curve Finance. CRV and CVX rewards can be sold separately on crypto exchanges. Trading fees and rewards are automatically compounded periodically to optimize yield.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

Although audited to minimize the security risk, the risk of asset loss by DeFi protocols over a security incident is generally non-zero. Smart contract risk is the risk of assets locked permanently in the protocol due to code errors or stolen due to exploits of code vulnerabilities. In the case of this strategy, smart contract risk extends to both Convex Finance and Curve Finance, which is where Convex Finance stakes the assets to earn yield.

Liquidity risks on Curve Finance may be a concern, such as impermanent loss which is the potential reduction in the value of assets provided as liquidity, and the extent of this loss is influenced by market conditions and price fluctuations. Governance decisions made by the community may not align with all users' interests, potentially affecting protocol parameters and user positions. There are also potential challenges and uncertainties associated with an evolving regulatory environment surrounding DeFi and crypto assets in general.

Investing in ETH entails several risks, including market volatility, technology and smart contract vulnerabilities, regulatory uncertainties, competition from other blockchain platforms, potential disruptions during network upgrades, liquidity challenges, dependence on adoption and use cases, and external events impacting the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Holding stETH involves potential risks, including smart contract vulnerabilities, the possibility of slashing penalties in proof-of-stake systems reducing the ETH staked, market volatility affecting the underlying asset's value, limited liquidity during staking periods, regulatory uncertainties, and network-related risks such as software upgrades or changes in consensus mechanisms.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Convex Curve USDT+crvUSD


To earn trading fees, boosted CRV rewards, and CVX rewards by staking USDT, crvUSD, or Curve USDT+crvUSD LP in yield protocol Convex’s Curve USDT+crvUSD pool. CRV rewards are boosted for Convex’s liquidity providers thanks to its locked CRV positions on Curve Finance, saving liquidity providers the cost and effort of maintaining their own locked CRV tokens on Curve Finance. CRV and CVX rewards can be sold separately on crypto exchanges. Trading fees and rewards are automatically compounded periodically to optimize yield.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

Although audited to minimize the security risk, the risk of asset loss by DeFi protocols over a security incident is generally non-zero. Smart contract risk is the risk of assets locked permanently in the protocol due to code errors or stolen due to exploits of code vulnerabilities. In the case of this strategy, smart contract risk extends to both Convex Finance and Curve Finance, which is where Convex Finance stakes the assets to earn yield.

Liquidity risks on Curve Finance may be a concern, such as impermanent loss which is the potential reduction in the value of assets provided as liquidity, and the extent of this loss is influenced by market conditions and price fluctuations. Governance decisions made by the community may not align with all users' interests, potentially affecting protocol parameters and user positions. There are also potential challenges and uncertainties associated with an evolving regulatory environment surrounding DeFi and crypto assets in general.

Holding USDT involves risks such as counterparty risk tied to the stability of the issuing entity, regulatory uncertainties, market fluctuations affecting its peg to the US dollar, transparency concerns regarding asset backing, potential liquidity challenges, and technology-related risks.

crvUSD is a tradeable asset minted through loans backed in whole or in part by crypto assets. Investing in it involves inherent risks, including liquidation risk, counterparty risk associated with the stability and security of the Curve Finance platform, potential vulnerabilities in smart contracts, market fluctuations affecting crvUSD or collateral value, liquidity challenges during high demand, and regulatory uncertainties in the evolving cryptocurrency landscape. It’s peg is managed by stabilizing mechanisms such as overcollateralization, supply and demand adjusted borrow rates, and burning and minting crvUSD according to market conditions.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Convex Curve USDC+crvUSD


To earn trading fees, boosted CRV rewards, and CVX rewards by staking USDC, crvUSD, or Curve USDC+crvUSD LP in yield protocol Convex’s Curve USDC+crvUSD pool. CRV rewards are boosted for Convex’s liquidity providers thanks to its locked CRV positions on Curve Finance, saving liquidity providers the cost and effort of maintaining their own locked CRV tokens on Curve Finance. CRV and CVX rewards can be sold separately on crypto exchanges. Trading fees and rewards are automatically compounded periodically to optimize yield.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

Although audited to minimize the security risk, the risk of asset loss by DeFi protocols over a security incident is generally non-zero. Smart contract risk is the risk of assets locked permanently in the protocol due to code errors or stolen due to exploits of code vulnerabilities. In the case of this strategy, smart contract risk extends to both Convex Finance and Curve Finance, which is where Convex Finance stakes the assets to earn yield.

Liquidity risks on Curve Finance may be a concern, such as impermanent loss which is the potential reduction in the value of assets provided as liquidity, and the extent of this loss is influenced by market conditions and price fluctuations. Governance decisions made by the community may not align with all users' interests, potentially affecting protocol parameters and user positions. There are also potential challenges and uncertainties associated with an evolving regulatory environment surrounding DeFi and crypto assets in general.

Holding USDC may entail facing counterparty risk associated with the stability of issuing financial institutions, regulatory uncertainties impacting issuance and redemption, potential technological vulnerabilities, market fluctuations affecting its peg to the US dollar, liquidity challenges during high demand or market stress, and legal and compliance risks stemming from changes in regulations.

crvUSD is a tradeable asset minted through loans backed in whole or in part by crypto assets. Investing in it involves inherent risks, including liquidation risk, counterparty risk associated with the stability and security of the Curve Finance platform, potential vulnerabilities in smart contracts, market fluctuations affecting crvUSD or collateral value, liquidity challenges during high demand, and regulatory uncertainties in the evolving cryptocurrency landscape. It’s peg is managed by stabilizing mechanisms such as overcollateralization, supply and demand adjusted borrow rates, and burning and minting crvUSD according to market conditions.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Convex Curve FRAX+crvUSD


To earn trading fees, boosted CRV rewards, and CVX rewards by staking FRAX, crvUSD, or Curve FRAX+crvUSD LP in yield protocol Convex’s Curve FRAX+crvUSD pool. CRV rewards are boosted for Convex’s liquidity providers thanks to its locked CRV positions on Curve Finance, saving liquidity providers the cost and effort of maintaining their own locked CRV tokens on Curve Finance. CRV and CVX rewards can be sold separately on crypto exchanges. Trading fees and rewards are automatically compounded periodically to optimize yield.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

Although audited to minimize the security risk, the risk of asset loss by DeFi protocols over a security incident is generally non-zero. Smart contract risk is the risk of assets locked permanently in the protocol due to code errors or stolen due to exploits of code vulnerabilities. In the case of this strategy, smart contract risk extends to both Convex Finance and Curve Finance, which is where Convex Finance stakes the assets to earn yield.

Liquidity risks on Curve Finance may be a concern, such as impermanent loss which is the potential reduction in the value of assets provided as liquidity, and the extent of this loss is influenced by market conditions and price fluctuations. Governance decisions made by the community may not align with all users' interests, potentially affecting protocol parameters and user positions. There are also potential challenges and uncertainties associated with an evolving regulatory environment surrounding DeFi and crypto assets in general.

crvUSD is a tradeable asset minted through loans backed in whole or in part by crypto assets. Investing in it involves inherent risks, including liquidation risk, counterparty risk associated with the stability and security of the Curve Finance platform, potential vulnerabilities in smart contracts, market fluctuations affecting crvUSD or collateral value, liquidity challenges during high demand, and regulatory uncertainties in the evolving cryptocurrency landscape. It’s peg is managed by stabilizing mechanisms such as overcollateralization, supply and demand adjusted borrow rates, and burning and minting crvUSD according to market conditions.

FRAX is a tradeable algorithmic stablecoin minted through loans backed in whole or in part by crypto assets. Investing in FRAX stablecoin involves risks related to algorithmic stability, smart contract vulnerabilities, market fluctuations, liquidity challenges, and regulatory uncertainties. FRAX’s peg is managed by stabilizing mechanisms such as supply and demand adjusted borrow rates, and burning and minting FRAX according to market conditions, and Frax Finance’s commitment to keep FRAX fully collateralized.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Idle Clearpool Fasanara USDT Senior


To earn interest and CPOOL rewards by depositing USDT in yield aggregator Idle Finance’s Clearpool Fasanara USDT pool, Senior Tranche. According to Idle Finance, the Senior Tranche is first in line to be repaid in case of default (hack or loss of funds) in exchange for lower yields relative to the Junior Tranche. The interest is generated by the underlying Clearpool protocol on unsecured loans to institutions and automatically compounded together with the rewards periodically to optimize yield.

Clearpool is a permissionless marketplace for institutional liquidity. The assets deposited with Idle Finance are in turn deposited into Clearpool’s Fasanara Investment Master Fund, which is lent out to Fasanara Digital, a fund dedicated to managing delta neutral high turnover market-making and arbitrage strategies. Fasanara Digital is part of Fasanara Capital, a London-based Hedge Fund founded in 2011 and specialized in alternative credit and fintech strategies. Fasanara Capital across its different funds manages several billion dollars.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

Although audited to minimize the security risk, the risk of asset loss by DeFi protocols over a security incident is generally non-zero. Smart contract risk is the risk of assets locked permanently in the protocol due to code errors or stolen due to exploits of code vulnerabilities. In the case of this strategy, smart contract risk extends to both Idle Finance and Clearpool, which is where Idle Finance stakes the assets to earn yield.

Unsecured loans pose higher credit risks due to the absence of collateral, which may result in higher interest rates to mitigate potential financial losses due to fewer means of recovery. Therefore, careful consideration of creditworthiness, market conditions, and repayment capabilities is crucial when dealing with unsecured loans. Borrowers onboarded by Clearpool must be verified institutions, agree to the protocol’s loan terms, under credit risk assessment and scoring by Credora, and while not required are at least encouraged to use an MPC wallet for their borrowings and repayments.

Other risks may include, but are not limited to, variable interest rates which, subject to market conditions, introduce uncertainty in borrowing costs and lending yields, and evolving regulatory environments which may affect protocol operations.

Holding USDT involves risks such as counterparty risk tied to the stability of the issuing entity, regulatory uncertainties, market fluctuations affecting its peg to the US dollar, transparency concerns regarding asset backing, potential liquidity challenges, and technology-related risks.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Idle Clearpool Fasanara USDT Junior


To earn interest and CPOOL rewards by depositing USDT in yield aggregator Idle Finance’s Clearpool Fasanara USDT pool, Junior Tranche. According to Idle Finance, the Senior Tranche is first in line to be repaid in case of default (hack or loss of funds) versus the Junior Tranche. Hence the Junior Tranche generates higher yields over higher default risks. The interest is generated by the underlying Clearpool protocol on unsecured loans to institutions and automatically compounded together with the rewards periodically to optimize yield.

Clearpool is a permissionless marketplace for institutional liquidity. The assets deposited with Idle Finance are in turn deposited into Clearpool’s Fasanara Investment Master Fund, which is lent out to Fasanara Digital, a fund dedicated to managing delta neutral high turnover market-making and arbitrage strategies. Fasanara Digital is part of Fasanara Capital, a London-based Hedge Fund founded in 2011 and specialized in alternative credit and fintech strategies. Fasanara Capital across its different funds manages several billion dollars.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

Although audited to minimize the security risk, the risk of asset loss by DeFi protocols over a security incident is generally non-zero. Smart contract risk is the risk of assets locked permanently in the protocol due to code errors or stolen due to exploits of code vulnerabilities. In the case of this strategy, smart contract risk extends to both Idle Finance and Clearpool, which is where Idle Finance stakes the assets to earn yield.

Unsecured loans pose higher credit risks due to the absence of collateral, which may result in higher interest rates to mitigate potential financial losses due to fewer means of recovery. Therefore, careful consideration of creditworthiness, market conditions, and repayment capabilities is crucial when dealing with unsecured loans. Borrowers onboarded by Clearpool must be verified institutions, agree to the protocol’s loan terms, under credit risk assessment and scoring by Credora, and while not required are at least encouraged to use an MPC wallet for their borrowings and repayments.

Other risks may include, but are not limited to, variable interest rates which, subject to market conditions, introduce uncertainty in borrowing costs and lending yields, and evolving regulatory environments which may affect protocol operations.

Holding USDT involves risks such as counterparty risk tied to the stability of the issuing entity, regulatory uncertainties, market fluctuations affecting its peg to the US dollar, transparency concerns regarding asset backing, potential liquidity challenges, and technology-related risks.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Idle Clearpool Portofino USDT Senior


To earn interest and CPOOL rewards by depositing USDT in yield aggregator Idle Finance’s Clearpool Portofino USDT pool, Senior Tranche. According to Idle Finance, the Senior Tranche is first in line to be repaid in case of default (hack or loss of funds) in exchange for lower yields relative to the Junior Tranche. The interest is generated by the underlying Clearpool protocol on unsecured loans to institutions and automatically compounded together with the rewards periodically to optimize yield.

Clearpool is a permissionless marketplace for institutional liquidity. The assets deposited with Idle Finance are in turn deposited into Clearpool’s Portofino Technologies Fund, which is lent out to Portofino Technologies, a crypto-native technology start-up which uses its proprietary market-making technology to trade on centralised, decentralised and OTC markets and provides token services & investments to Web3 projects.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

Although audited to minimize the security risk, the risk of asset loss by DeFi protocols over a security incident is generally non-zero. Smart contract risk is the risk of assets locked permanently in the protocol due to code errors or stolen due to exploits of code vulnerabilities. In the case of this strategy, smart contract risk extends to both Idle Finance and Clearpool, which is where Idle Finance stakes the assets to earn yield.

Unsecured loans pose higher credit risks due to the absence of collateral, which may result in higher interest rates to mitigate potential financial losses due to fewer means of recovery. Therefore, careful consideration of creditworthiness, market conditions, and repayment capabilities is crucial when dealing with unsecured loans. Borrowers onboarded by Clearpool must be verified institutions, agree to the protocol’s loan terms, under credit risk assessment and scoring by Credora, and while not required are at least encouraged to use an MPC wallet for their borrowings and repayments.

Other risks may include, but are not limited to, variable interest rates which, subject to market conditions, introduce uncertainty in borrowing costs and lending yields, and evolving regulatory environments which may affect protocol operations.

Holding USDT involves risks such as counterparty risk tied to the stability of the issuing entity, regulatory uncertainties, market fluctuations affecting its peg to the US dollar, transparency concerns regarding asset backing, potential liquidity challenges, and technology-related risks.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Idle Clearpool Portofino USDT Junior


To earn interest and CPOOL rewards by depositing USDT in yield aggregator Idle Finance’s Clearpool Fasanara USDT pool, Junior Tranche. According to Idle Finance, the Senior Tranche is first in line to be repaid in case of default (hack or loss of funds) versus the Junior Tranche. Hence the Junior Tranche generates higher yields over higher default risks. The interest is generated by the underlying Clearpool protocol on unsecured loans to institutions and automatically compounded together with the rewards periodically to optimize yield.

Clearpool is a permissionless marketplace for institutional liquidity. The assets deposited with Idle Finance are in turn deposited into Clearpool’s Portofino Technologies Fund, which is lent out to Portofino Technologies, a crypto-native technology start-up which uses its proprietary market-making technology to trade on centralised, decentralised and OTC markets and provides token services & investments to Web3 projects.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

Although audited to minimize the security risk, the risk of asset loss by DeFi protocols over a security incident is generally non-zero. Smart contract risk is the risk of assets locked permanently in the protocol due to code errors or stolen due to exploits of code vulnerabilities. In the case of this strategy, smart contract risk extends to both Idle Finance and Clearpool, which is where Idle Finance stakes the assets to earn yield.

Unsecured loans pose higher credit risks due to the absence of collateral, which may result in higher interest rates to mitigate potential financial losses due to fewer means of recovery. Therefore, careful consideration of creditworthiness, market conditions, and repayment capabilities is crucial when dealing with unsecured loans. Borrowers onboarded by Clearpool must be verified institutions, agree to the protocol’s loan terms, under credit risk assessment and scoring by Credora, and while not required are at least encouraged to use an MPC wallet for their borrowings and repayments.

Other risks may include, but are not limited to, variable interest rates which, subject to market conditions, introduce uncertainty in borrowing costs and lending yields, and evolving regulatory environments which may affect protocol operations.

Holding USDT involves risks such as counterparty risk tied to the stability of the issuing entity, regulatory uncertainties, market fluctuations affecting its peg to the US dollar, transparency concerns regarding asset backing, potential liquidity challenges, and technology-related risks.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Idle Clearpool Wincent USDC Senior


By depositing USDC in Idle Finance's Clearpool Wincent USDC Senior Tranche pool, users can earn interest and CPOOL rewards. The Senior Tranche, prioritized in case of default, offers lower yields compared to the Junior Tranche. The deposited assets are lent out by Clearpool, a permissionless marketplace for institutional liquidity, to Wincent Investment Fund PCC Limited which has built software for algorithmic trading and market analysis since 2018, and has traded around $300M to $3.5B daily round the clock on top cryptocurrency exchanges.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

DeFi protocols, including Idle Finance and Clearpool, face a non-zero risk of asset loss despite security audits, with smart contract risk involving potential code errors or exploits. Unsecured loans carry higher credit risks, leading to possible higher interest rates; Clearpool requires verified institutional borrowers, credit risk assessment, and encourages MPC wallet use.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Idle Clearpool Wincent USDC Junior


By depositing USDC in Idle Finance's Clearpool Wincent USDC Junior Tranche pool, users can earn interest and CPOOL rewards. The Senior Tranche, prioritized in case of default, offers lower yields compared to the Junior Tranche. The deposited assets are lent out by Clearpool, a permissionless marketplace for institutional liquidity, to Wincent Investment Fund PCC Limited which has built software for algorithmic trading and market analysis since 2018, and has traded around $300M to $3.5B daily round the clock on top cryptocurrency exchanges.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, and users should conduct thorough research and consider risks before engaging with any DeFi or Web3 protocols. Cryptocurrency investments involve inherent risks.

Risk Profile

DeFi protocols, including Idle Finance and Clearpool, face a non-zero risk of asset loss despite security audits, with smart contract risk involving potential code errors or exploits. Unsecured loans carry higher credit risks, leading to possible higher interest rates; Clearpool requires verified institutional borrowers, credit risk assessment, and encourages MPC wallet use.

Fortunately, AmuShield offers a safeguard by providing some protection for the assets deposited in this strategy.


Last updated