
$amtSOL is an interest-bearing token as well as liquid $SOL derivative and proof of ownership of $SOL staked by users in Amulet's liquid staking pool. With $amtSOL, users can:

Token address: SoLW9muuNQmEAoBws7CWfYQnXRXMVEG12cQhy6LE2Zf

$amtSOL Price

The price of $amtSOL is calculated as follows:

\mathit{PRICE}_\mathit{$amtSol} = \frac {\mathit{STAKE}_\mathit{$SOL} + \mathit{REWARD}_\mathit{$SOL} } {\mathit{SUPPLY}_\mathit{$amtSol}}


  • \mathit{STAKE}_\mathit{$SOL} = Total amount of $SOL staked in Amulet's liquidity staking pool (including rewards)

  • \mathit{SUPPLY}_\mathit{$amtSOL} = Token supply of $amtSOL

  • \mathit{REWARD}_\mathit{$SOL}= PoS rewards earned

Amulet will implement a staking strategy where staked $SOL will automatically be delegated to validators to collect and distribute rewards. As the rewards continue to accumulate, $amtSOL's price will gradually increase with each passing epoch.

To learn more about Solana Staking, please refer to https://docs.solana.com/implemented-proposals/staking-rewards

Last updated